Darlene Shannon

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  3. Darlene Shannon
Events from this organizer

Youth Transition Program – Preparing for Life after High School

League City Civic Center 400 W. Walker, League City, TX, United States

Young adults from various high schools will engage in a game that will allow them to practice navigating postsecondary options such as: apprenticeships, trade schools, and colleges that could prepare them for future jobs/careers. Consumer will briefly review how their communication passport can be used as a tool for self-advocacy when requesting accommodations in post-secondary […]

Independent Living Skills – Safety in Cooking

Participant will take part in a Zoom introduction to the upcoming monthly cooking classes. Kitchen safety expectations will be reviewed with an open discussion regarding the “Why” for kitchen safety. For example: using an oven, knives, and raw meats. Planned class recipes will be discussed especially May’s which includes peanut butter – any nut allergies? […]

Youth Transition Program – Navigating Your Options

League City Civic Center 400 W. Walker, League City, TX, United States

Young adults from various high schools will hear from a variety of presenters from local colleges that are disability friendly and from other youth active in internships, to help them make informed decisions about their path after high school. Also present will be Volunteer Coordinators from multiple community organizations that often have young adult volunteers, […]

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