One alternative to Guardianship, which supports an individual in making their own decisions with feedback/support from their Circle of Support. This is often advocated for by people with disabilities, as the traditional form of Guardianship can limit rights relating to voting, ability to marry, and more.
Also known as conservatorship, this legal process takes pace when an individual is believed to not be capable make/communicate safe/sound decisions about their person/property or has become susceptible to fraud or undue influence
”Texas Homeless Network (THN) is a non-profit membership-based organization helping communities strategically plan to prevent and end homelessness.”
“TexVet is the state clearinghouse for trusted information, resources, data, technical support, and research relevant to service members, veterans, and their families, and those who serve them.”
“The goal of the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program is to enable beneficiaries with disabilities to receive accurate information, and use that information to make a successful transition to work.”
(HUD)’s Find Shelter tool provides information about housing, shelter, health care, and clothing resources in communities across the country.